Linear plot. plot(x,y) plots vector y versus vector x. If x or y is a Tensor of size either m x 1 or 1 x m, then the vector is plotted versus the rows or columns of the matrix, whichever line up. Alternatively, x and y can be of type Lua table.

plot(y) plots the columns of y versus their index.

Various line types, plot symbols and colors may be obtained with plot(x,y,s) where s is a character string made from one element from any or all the following 3 columns:

           y     yellow          .     point         -     solid
           m     magenta         o     circle        :     dotted
           c     cyan            x     cross              
           r     red             +     plus                
           g     green           *     star
           b     blue            s     square
           w     white           d     diamond
           k     black            
	   p     current pen color
	   T     text 

For example, plot(x,y,'c+:') plots a cyan dotted line with a plus at each data point; plot(x,y,'bd') plots blue diamond at each data point but does not draw any line.

The plot command also returns a handle to the drawn object which can be used to delete it, e.g:


One can also plot text using the following method:

Anything after the 'T' in the argument line will be used as text and sets the markerText property of the window.