The basic library provides some core functions to Lua. If you do not include this library in your application, you should check carefully whether you need to provide implementations for some of its facilities.


  1. assert (v [, message])
  2. collectgarbage (opt [, arg])
  3. dofile (filename)
  4. error (message [, level])
  5. _G
  6. getfenv (f)
  7. getmetatable (object)
  8. ipairs (t)
  9. load (func [, chunkname])
  10. loadfile ([filename])
  11. loadstring (string [, chunkname])
  12. next (table [, index])
  13. pairs (t)
  14. pcall (f, arg1, ...)
  15. print (...)
  16. rawequal (v1, v2)
  17. rawget (table, index)
  18. rawset (table, index, value)
  19. select (index, ...)
  20. setfenv (f, table)
  21. setmetatable (table, metatable)
  22. tonumber (e [, base])
  23. tostring (e)
  24. type (v)
  25. unpack (list [, i [, j]])
  26. _VERSION
  27. xpcall (f, err)