The for statement has two forms: one numeric and one generic.

The numeric for loop repeats a block of code while a control variable runs through an arithmetic progression. It has the following syntax:

	stat ::= *for* Name `*=*` exp `*,*` exp [`*,*` exp] *do* block *end*

The block is repeated for name starting at the value of the first exp, until it passes the second exp by steps of the third exp. More precisely, a for statement like

     for v = _e1_, _e2_, _e3_ do _block_ end

is equivalent to the code:

       local _var_, _limit_, _step_ = tonumber(_e1_), tonumber(_e2_), tonumber(_e3_)
       if not (_var_ and _limit_ and _step_) then error() end
       while (_step_ > 0 and _var_ <= _limit_) or (_step_ <= 0 and _var_ >= _limit_) do
         local v = _var_
         _var_ = _var_ + _step_

Note the following:

The generic for statement works over functions, called iterators. On each iteration, the iterator function is called to produce a new value, stopping when this new value is nil. The generic for loop has the following syntax:

	stat ::= *for* namelist *in* explist1 *do* block *end*
	namelist ::= Name {`*,*` Name}

A for statement like

     for _var_1_, ..., _var_n_ in _explist_ do _block_ end

is equivalent to the code:

       local _f_, _s_, _var_ = _explist_
       while true do
         local _var_1_, ..., _var_n_ = _f_(_s_, _var_)
         _var_ = _var_1_
         if _var_ == nil then break end

Note the following: